The International School of Cambridge (ISOC), owned and operated by the Islamic Centre of Cambridge, is located at 1550 Dunbar Road in Cambridge adjacent to the Jami Mosque.
The school is registered (Reg # 876402) as a private school with the Ontario Ministry of Education and Training. ISOC does not receive any funding from any government sources, and is financially supported by students’ fees and donations from the Muslim community at large.
The International School of Cambridge (formerly called Islamic School of Cambridge} was founded in 1992 as a private school. Today, around 100 students are enrolled in classes from Junior Kindergarten through Grade 8.
Curriculum is based on the Ontario Ministry of Education guidelines
Integrated Islamic Studies/Arabic to help understand the language of the Quran as well as memorization of selected surahs are taught as part of the program
Ontario Certified Teachers (OCT) and qualified staff ensure high standards of education
Emphasis on Islamic values and practices
Class activities integrate Islamic ideas
Students attend Zuhr prayer daily and Friday prayer weekly
The school has recently adopted Growth Mindset approach of world renowned researcher and psychologist, Dr. Carol Dweck, which has proven to drive motivation and higher achievement among students
All classrooms are well-equipped with computers and TV monitors
Interactive projectors are available in the classrooms and science lab for hands-on student-led learning
Yearly participation and achievements in Waterloo Wellington Science and Engineering Fair
Various co and extra-curricular activities are available for the students for their active engagement and hands-on-learning
School trips and tours (both intracity and intercity) are done on a regular basis
Assessment, Evaluation, and Reporting procedures are in accordance to the guidelines provided in the Growing Success document of the Ontario Ministry of Education
Grade 3 and grade 6 students go through yearly standardized provincial EQAO testing with exceptional test results
According to Fraser Institute’s ranking, the school has topped all the public, Catholic, and private schools of the city
School has recently started conducting Mid-Year and Final Exams (J-8) to strengthen student learning and have an informed instruction
Student safety and well-being is at the heart of all planning and administrative procedures
Our Mission
Grow in Islamic pride, morality, leadership skills, self-confidence, courtesy, self-discipline, concern for others, punctuality and cooperation.