Registration Guidelines

  • Parents (New Registrants) are responsible to bring their child(ren)’s previous year report cards.
  • Registration Forms will not be accepted without the public/private school report cards.
  • A non-refundable Entrance fee will apply upon registration.
  • Payments of fees are required for the acceptance of your child(ren).
  • Birth Certificate, health card, and up-to-date Immunization record are required for all students

Payment terms and conditions

  • Pre-Authorized Payment Plan is now available. A void cheque is needed, and the amount will be automatically withdrawn from your bank account on the fifth of each month
  • All cheques must be made payable to International School of Cambridge
  • 8 post-dated cheques dated from August (current year) to May (next year)
  • All cheques must be dated for 1st or 5th day of the month
  • After a NSF cheque, a certified cheque or cash will be required for payment
  • NSF charge of $20.00 will apply for each NSF cheque
  • Failure to maintain payments will result in expulsion of your child(ren) from ISOC
  • Entrance fee is non-refundable
  • The last month’s fees for the academic year are non-refundable
  • Tuition fees are paid monthly throughout the school year (August – May).
  • Students are not to be re-admitted in ISOC until arrears/previous year balance is paid in full
  • In case of a student’s withdrawal from the school prior to the end of the school year, tuition fees are no longer payable beginning the month following the withdrawal from the school

Other Fees

Materials Fee: Due to copyright laws of Ontario, the school cannot photocopy the activity books required for the grade programs. Therefore, a fee will be charged to cover the cost of activity books. This fee also includes an agenda, class photo and yearbook. 
Textbooks: School Textbooks are very costly. It is the responsibility of each student to handle textbooks with care. Each student in Grade 1-8 will be required to pay for any damages he/she causes a textbook, which is under his/her care. Failure to pay will result in withholding the June report card. Students may not borrow textbooks during the summer.


A general description of the school uniform is listed here:

Dress pants or trousers, Navy Blue
Dress pants or trousers, Navy Blue
Polo Shirt, Grey, half sleeves
Tunic, Navy Blue
Polo Shirt, Grey, full sleeves
Undershirt, Grey, full sleeves
Cardigan, Navy Blue, with sleeves
Cardigan, Navy Blue, with sleeves
Hijab, Grey

Registration Forms

Forms are available here