The students at the International School of Cambridge must behave and act like good Muslims. It is understood that parents have high expectations that ISOC will help develop in our children proper Islamic values, morals, discipline and respect. These goals can only be achieved if what is learned at school is also reinforced at home.
Parents: Please read and discuss with your children the International School of Cambridge’s Code of Conduct Guide, which outlines what is expected of students, teachers and parents. The code also contains the consequences of unacceptable behavior.
In the case of a student who persistently ignores the school rules, suspension or expulsion from school may occur. Since misbehavior in the school from a student or an adult affects the entire educational environment, the administration takes the Code of Conduct and its enforcement very seriously.
The International School of Cambridge expects a 100% punctuality rate from each and every student. However, if a student is absent from school, the parent must call the school for each day they are away at 519-740-6855. It is important to call as soon as possible. Leave a message on the answering machine stating your child’s full name, grade, and the reason for his/her absence.
If you know ahead of time that your child will be away from school due to medical or dental appointments, then please call the school or send a note to your child’s teacher ahead of time. Children may be absent only in the event of illness, appointment, or other special circumstances. It must be noted that excessive or unnecessary absences from the school will be addressed to the parents by the principal. Parents should be aware of the fact that their child’s attendance is part of the Report Card that is placed in Ontario Student Record (OSR). OSR is a permanent record of a child’s academic achievements.
It is the policy of the International School of Cambridge that all students will require a written note from their parent/guardian for either lateness or absence explaining the reason. If and when a student is late, he/she is to sign-in at the office.
It is very important for parents to impress upon their children the need for punctuality. All students must be in their classrooms by 8:15 a.m. Habitual or chronic lateness will be viewed as a lack of respect for both the teacher and fellow students, as students entering the classroom late pose a distraction to everyone. Appropriate consequences will result in the event of chronic lateness.
Lost and Found
Please label all of your child’s clothing and belongings. Children will be taught the importance of taking care of their own belongings, and will be encouraged to do so. The school and teachers will not be responsible for lost items. If your child has lost any personal belongings, please check the Lost & Found box that is located near the entrance.