The International School of Cambridge (formerly called Islamic School of Cambridge} was founded in 1992 as a private school. Today, around 100 students are enrolled in classes from Junior Kindergarten through Grade 8.

 Curriculum is based on the Ontario Ministry of Education guidelines

 Integrated Islamic Studies/Arabic to help understand the language of the Quran as well as memorization of selected surahs are taught as part of the program

 Ontario Certified Teachers (OCT) and qualified staff ensure high standards of education

 Emphasis on Islamic values and practices

 Class activities integrate Islamic ideas

 Students attend Zuhr prayer daily and Friday prayer weekly

 The school has recently adopted Growth Mindset approach of world renowned researcher and psychologist, Dr. Carol Dweck, which has proven to drive motivation and higher achievement among students

 All classrooms are well-equipped with computers and TV monitors

 Interactive projectors are available in the classrooms and science lab for hands-on student-led learning

 Yearly participation and achievements in Waterloo Wellington Science and Engineering Fair

 Various co and extra-curricular activities are available for the students for their active engagement and hands-on-learning

 School trips and tours (both intracity and intercity) are done on a regular basis

 Assessment, Evaluation, and Reporting procedures are in accordance to the guidelines provided in the Growing Success document of the Ontario Ministry of Education

 Grade 3 and grade 6 students go through yearly standardized provincial EQAO testing with exceptional test results

 According to Fraser Institute’s ranking, the school has topped all the public, Catholic, and private schools of the city

 School has recently started conducting Mid-Year and Final Exams (J-8) to strengthen student learning and have an informed instruction

 Student safety and well-being is at the heart of all planning and administrative procedures

Our Mission

Grow in Islamic pride, morality, leadership skills, self-confidence, courtesy, self-discipline, concern for others, punctuality and cooperation.

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